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Bird Care : 5 Signs of Stress and Depression in Pet Birds

Bird Care : 5 Signs of Stress and Depression in Pet Birds


An environment that puts a bird under strain or tension, such as crowding, an extreme change in temperature or humidity, or the inability to find cover from actual or perceived threats, is known as stress. Stress is the physiological reaction of a bird to these conditions. Birds are habit creatures. A change in their environment or schedule may cause stress so bird care is vital. A relocation to a new house, the addition of additional family members or pets, loud outside noises (trucks, construction), a change in paint color, or a location change can all result in stress. The majority of the disease factors in one zoological collection were found to be of low virulence, which indicates that predisposing variables like stress contributed to the circumstances that permitted these opportunists to cause death.

Bird Health: Signs of stress in a bird

There are many signs which indicate stress in your pet bird. If you notice these signs in your bird you have to immediately act upon them. Some of them are.

• Feather plucking

• Space bars

•. Biting

•. Loss of appetite

• Vocal change

Feather plucking:

pet bird care

The most common stress sign is feather plucking in your pet bird. Feather plucking is not only a sign of stress it can also indicate a disease or an organ malfunction in your pet bird. If you notice your pet bird plucking its feather immediately take it to the vet and get its check-up for parrot care.

Stress bars:

Stress bars are lines that appear on the feathers of your pet bird. These lines are a symptom of severe bird stress disorder. They are typically found on the feathers of a bird’s tail or wings. Finding stress signs is difficult, but once you do, you should start looking for the source of the stress. Stress bars should raise a red flag for bird owners because stress can harm a bird’s physical and mental health. These horizontal lines develop as new features start to show during the feather-shedding season.

bird perch rope


If your bird is stressed it will start biting you. Stress can physically and mentally disturb both humans and animals. If your bird suddenly became aggressive and starts biting you it can indicate that your pet bird might be stressed. If you notice this sign try to give your pet bird more time to interact with you. Spend more time with your pet bird and take it out of its cage more, and play with your pet bird. Provide more toys to your bird and find the source of the depression and stress in your pet bird.

Read here: how to deal with a stressed pet bird

Loss of appetite

Birds start losing their appetite as they get depressed. They don’t eat food and even rejected their favorite food. This reaction can make your pet bird weak. If you notice your pet bird losing its appetite and rejecting its favorite food take it to your vet for your pet bird care. It is important to visit a vet for your bird’s health. In this situation giving your pet bird more nutritionist food is recommended.

Vocal change

Stress can cause your pet bird to talk less. The parrot might not talk to you as it used to communicate. It might forget the word you taught it. I won’t get excited after seeing you. The bird might start sleeping more and play less.


bird care

Many things can be done to stop your bird from being agitated. Because they are sensitive to environmental changes, avoid making any. One or two toys might be placed in the cage to keep the bird from feeling lonely. More frequently, let your bird out of the cage. Take a stroll with your beloved bird inside its travel cage. Spend time with them in-depth. To keep your bird from peering out the window, cover the cage with a bird cage cover. More regularly, provide treats to your pet bird. Increase communication with your pet bird to prevent loneliness. You should avoid yelling or speaking loudly to your bird because it could startle them.


In conclusion, because birds are sensitive to changes in their environment, it is vital to consider your options before acting toward your pet bird. Your pet bird may show signs of stress by plucking feathers and losing appetite. If your bird is stressed, there are numerous things you should watch out for, such as keeping it from feeling lonely or spending quality time with your pet bird. Since they are not used to being kept in cages, you should let your bird out of the cage more frequently.